Implicit Bias
Native Sons and Daughters of Louisiana, the Implicit Bias Krewe is all about conversations lost.
They'll solve the problems of the world one #weeklywhiskey at a time, tell you the "other side" of the news, and laugh the whole time.
Join the "Krewe" for a fantastic conversation over a tasting of whiskey and find your "Implicit Bias."
Implicit Bias
We've lost the truth...
Cavan Bordelon
Season 5
Episode 1
The Krewe gets into more #weeklywhiskey, we get into more solving the problems of the world...
This week's show covers everything from Cow Farts, to the media making race an issue, to the most memorable stories from 2024.
Follow on our socials to see the Krewe! Subscribe, like, share your Implicit Bias!