Implicit Bias
Native Sons and Daughters of Louisiana, the Implicit Bias Krewe is all about conversations lost.
They'll solve the problems of the world one #weeklywhiskey at a time, tell you the "other side" of the news, and laugh the whole time.
Join the "Krewe" for a fantastic conversation over a tasting of whiskey and find your "Implicit Bias."
Implicit Bias
Can you pass the test?
Cavan Bordelon
Season 4
Episode 23
The Krewe looks at how we're being tested day in and day out...and we'll realize...it's a GOOD THING!
More #weeklywhiskey and solving the problems of the world! More from Mr. Lester's Steakhouse! More about Michael Jackson, More about P-Diddy, More about Gold hitting an all time high....
Don't miss this episode of Implicit Bias..