Implicit Bias
Native Sons and Daughters of Louisiana, the Implicit Bias Krewe is all about conversations lost.
They'll solve the problems of the world one #weeklywhiskey at a time, tell you the "other side" of the news, and laugh the whole time.
Join the "Krewe" for a fantastic conversation over a tasting of whiskey and find your "Implicit Bias."
Implicit Bias
Because I'm good enough...and I'm smart enough...and dog gonnit, people like me!
Get your weekly affirmation with the Krewe from Implicit Bias!
We'll dive into some of the key stories in the world today, including working at McDonald's, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and even AI Tanks. (did we NOT learn anything from The Terminator?)
We'll also begin Toasted Barrel month from our #weeklywhiskey partners, and outline what is being served at Mr. Lester's Steakhouse at Cypress Bayou Casino this month!
You like it because you like it...Implicit Bias!